Where does Jesus stand in the moments of shame?

Then Jesus stood did up again and said to the woman, “where are your accusers? Didn’t even one of them condemn you?” John 8:10

Do you ever ask yourself how did I get here? You know the moments when you feel like “I screwed up again” and you ask God “how did I arrive here, yet again?”

In this passage, Jesus is addressing an adulterous woman. But I’m not talking about an affair. Some days I would just like to insert whatever failure I endured that day into the scripture. Like, the words of condemnation I might have spoken over my spouse or the dismissing of a friend’s pain, or how about sulking in my feelings of unnecessary sorrow.

Let’s just face it some days, I just feel like a complete failure at everything. But I’m certain I don’t stand alone.

I imagine myself standing in the presence of Jesus in my shame of failure. What would he say to me?Perhaps, he would say “Where are your accusers?” Because of his radical love for me and you, I imagine it would go something like this….

First off, in this story of the adulteress woman, I imagine her standing naked in shame. She had been drug out from her act of adultery and placed before Jesus as an example. “Look what this woman has done, what will you do about this Jesus? Huh?” -my emphasis. Can you only imagine how afraid she was to come before religious leaders and Jesus?

But Jesus was being trapped by the religious leaders. So He states his case, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” We are familiar with the story by this verse alone. This verse is used in so many contexts but mostly in the case of “stop judging me.”

But when I insert my shame or sin whichever comes first, here is what I see, we would be standing alone in the dirt. Most likely, as I stand in my nakedness (not physically but spiritually because this is where shame leads to) Jesus would take off his cloak or robe and place it around me. He would stand next to me. He wouldn’t want me standing alone naked in my shame. He would stand with me. He would risk breaking a Jewish law just to comfort me. In those moments, I want to feel the presence of God so much so I can feel the warmth of his body- a comforting feeling of safety.

“Like a shepherd, he tends his flock; he gathers up the lambs with his arm; he carries them close to his heart; he leads the ewes along.”Isaiah 40:11 NET

This isn’t the first time Jesus wants to cover us in our shame. Go back to the first time we mess up in the garden and you will find where He also covers us for the first time. There Adam and Eve standing naked in shame…

“And the Lord God made clothing from animal skins for Adam and his wife.” Genesis 3:21

Never be afraid of standing before Jesus. He has proven to many times throughout His word how many times He simply just wants to wrap His robe or yet his arms around us leaving us in His peace not shame. He doesn’t dismiss the sin. But it’s in the presence of Jesus where our sin dissipates and we become free of sin. Only through Jesus is where real forgiveness takes place.

The next time you feel shame or sin stand naked before Jesus and let Him cover you.

“And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:7 NET


Author: Mary Beth Powers write.speaker.encourager ❤️

Allowing God to transform me to His image. He takes my past and makes me new....Is 43:18

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