It all starts with Jesus

Have you ever thought there has to be more to Jesus than I’m experiencing?

I can remember a time in my life where I felt disconnected from Jesus. I knew there had to be more …..

I wasn’t recognizing the things that others would share with me. Like….

“God told me to share this with you” …..or

“I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in this place”… or maybe even

“God loves you so much He would never leave you here.”

Sometimes these things become common ground to those who are familiar with them. It doesn’t mean they are not real but for someone who has never experienced this they don’t seem real.

I remember a time in my life when I yearned to know these things. I wanted to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit even if it seems weird. What were these people feeling anyways?

I wanted to be able to hear from God so that I could share with someone else what God had told me.

Mostly, I wanted to understand His love. Because if He loved me so much where was he going to take me? I was right here.

All these things are real and people do experience them and the Lord wants you to experience them too.

One encounter with Jesus can change your outlook on everything. It draws us closer to Him and our understanding of Him becomes reality.

So in my frustration and curiosity I began to pray and ask the Lord … “what does all this mean?”

I wanted to know what these people where talking about….

Obviously there was more to Jesus than I was experiencing. I too wanted to experience these things and honestly I was to embarrassed to ask anyone.

My husband loves to share a story that happened years ago. We were sitting in church one Sunday morning and my pastor was getting ready to start his sermon. He asked us to turn to the book of Matthew in the Bible. I froze. I hid the pages as I pretended to know where it was located in my Bible. I flipped back and forth in embarrassment only to just close my Bible in frustration. You see, I was carrying a children bible. A precious moments bible that my husband had bought me for my birthday. I had asked for a children’s bible because I thought it would be easier to understand.

This should have been easy right? But for me it wasn’t ….

I didn’t grow up in church so I wasn’t fluent in anything when it came to church. I looked up at my husband and paused as he gently turned the pages for me to help me find the book of Matthew.

Let me tell what Jesus says about this ….

For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:8 ~Jesus

I knew one thing for sure if I looked for Him I would find Him. He isn’t hidden. He wants us to ask Him anything. And hey! That promise is in the book of Matthew by the way. Jesus said it himself.

My first precious moments bible ❤️

There is no need to be embarrassed when you don’t understand what others are saying about Jesus or the Bible. It doesn’t matter how much you know because HIS greatest desire is to know you. ❤️

Do not let embarrassment or lack of understanding who Jesus is keep you from seeking after Him. He is ready and willing to reveal himself.

Trust me ….Everyone starts at the same place.

WITH Jesus.

Seek and you will find…. and you can always buy the Bible with tabs 😉

Whenever you seek him, you will find him. 2 Chronicles 15:2

Author: Mary Beth Powers write.speaker.encourager ❤️

Allowing God to transform me to His image. He takes my past and makes me new....Is 43:18

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