What we surround ourselves with matters

But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you.” Matt 15:18

What or who we surround ourselves with matters…

We all think we are strong enough in our minds to reframe from most anything we surround ourselves with.

I have a saying that I would say to my children when they were younger but it holds true with us adults too… “trash in trash out. “

In fact, God actually talks about this in His word…

I’m not much of a TV watcher these days -so much so- that my adult children to this day say things like “ no mom don’t watch that you really wouldn’t like it”or “that show is not for you mom you would turn it off”

It’s not because I’m completely influenced by what comes on the TV that would move me to act on a -not so permissible scene; It’s because I’m easily influenced by my emotions by allowing things to absorb into my heart leading me to ponder on them sometimes for days.

I can remember many years ago when I was swopped into soap operas. I had to make sure I was home in time to see each episode. It was a passion at the time. My friends and I would get on our long, cord-stretched phones to discuss that days episode.

I know that statement dates me but it was that long ago…..

I laugh now thinking I could prob start watching it tomorrow and pick right back up where they left off.

But there is a memory etched in my mind of my oldest daughter frozen in front of the TV. Her little head was tilted toward the screen in deep curiosity. She was trying to figure out what the couple on the screen was doing as they engaged in a deep passion kiss.

I cringed at the thought of what was going through her little innocent mind….. I had to ask myself …”is watching this worth what will cloud her mind?” Not to mention my time wasted on what I was watching. Don’t get me wrong I’m not judging anyone who watched soap operas, I certainly don’t have that right but I did have to make a decision what I was allowing my child to absorb into her mind and my mind.

I knew I was responsible for her surroundings not just mine.

What we surround ourselves with matters.

What we read… what we watch….what we listen to…. even who we hang out with matters. This is not just for kids and teenagers. I’m talking to us adults too.

It doesn’t seem to matter to us until the ugly escapes out of our mouth from our heart.

This actually came from Jesus mouth…

“But the words you speak come from the heart—that’s what defiles you.”

Matthew 15:18 NLT

Our hearts are automatically deceitful, no need to add to the source, right?

I know it seems trivial to think … what in the world does a song or a tv show have to do with my heart? Or just because my friend gossips doesn’t mean I will but let me ask you….

Do you have that friend that easy to gossip around? Or talk critical of others?

Are you influenced by music that takes you back to a time in your life that was not so pleasing to God or you?

What about that show or movie that causes our mind to wonder places that leave us very disappointed in our spouse, friends or children because they don’t quite measure up?

What defiles you? It took me a long time to figure just how weak I was when it comes to what I surrounded myself with and how much it influences me.

Next time you have that lunch date with a friend evaluate your own heart? That song? That show? Whatever it is that draws you and me away from the good things God has for us.

Together lets…

Make a choice to shut down the things that cloud our hearts and minds….

Take the time to shut off everything around us and listen to what Jesus has to fill us with …

peace, joy, happiness, wisdom, hope and mostly His love! ❤️

Be still and know that I am God… Ps 46:10

Author: Mary Beth Powers write.speaker.encourager ❤️

Allowing God to transform me to His image. He takes my past and makes me new....Is 43:18

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